Exchange rate: 1.01063
If you live in Switzerland, work in Switzerland, or have another source of Swiss related income you may benefit from unbeatable currency exchange rates!
And even more! In case you find better exchange EUR/CHF conditions offered by another Swiss bank for retail customers, let us know to make it up to you! Our CEO Andre Duka promises to personally give 1000 CHF to those clients who will first bring information on such case. Please report - thousands francs are waiting for you! We promise to immediately lower our fees to stay unbeatable on the market. Your information is valued.
Imagine that a person is working in Switzerland, but his relatives whom he financially supports on regular basis live abroad. Instead of choosing expensive money transfer services, relatives can open an account at Dukascopy Bank from anywhere through video identification and at zero cost, receive a payment card, while receiving money instantly and free. Remember, even if your grandmother is not rich, we will be happy to serve her!
On top of that, for people who work in Switzerland, but live abroad, we are ready to provide exceptionally lucrative conditions. Usually these clients are facing constant problems converting their salary from Swiss Francs to Euros, and transferring it to their account in the European bank. For those who are willing to use services of Dukascopy Bank, we would like to offer a special rate for currency conversion. Don't miss out on our exclusive offer!
Imagine you need to send a certain amount to a foreigner swiftly and easy; however, you only have his mobile phone number. All you need is transfer funds via Dukascopy Bank, indicating only the mobile phone number of the recipient. The recipient is immediately informed about the money transfer; open an account with Dukascopy, which allows the recipient to access the funds instantly. Recipient is able to order a virtual card right away and connect it with Apple Pay and Samsung Pay service for his convenience of use. International transfers become instant and efficient!